Stony Brook School was established in 1950 with a quote etched across the outside of the school by the founding educators, “Not For School, But For Life”. These words became our goal, to educate the students with academics and the development of character traits “for life”. Decades later, the initiative continues. In 2019, the “for life” goals continue with the School Based Planning Committee focused on objectives of examining current data and setting goals to close achievement gaps. The Character Education Committee holds the objectives of addressing social emotional concerns through Responsive Classroom activities and creating service learning initiatives. In 2018, Stony Brook School received two Promising Practices recognized by The first, “Learning Improves Tomorrow” focused on College and Career Readiness. The second, ”Peers Utilizing Leadership Skills Everyday” focused on peer mentorship and service learning. In 2019, Stony Brook School was recognized as a State School of Character. Learning skills “for life” remains to be our goal.
Stony Brook School promotes the district’s core values of Caring, Appreciation, Respect and Determination (C.A.R.D.). Our Character Education program includes Whole Brain Teaching, Responsive Classroom and the Jump Start Your Day daily lessons which we refer to as our Jumpstart Program. The core values guide every aspect of school life. Whole Brain Teaching is a five rule behavioral system with common language and expectations. Staff and students practice interactive modeling, role playing, and behavior strategies to foster a balance of moral and performance values to promote a welcoming and supportive school environment. All policies and procedures focus on empowering individual student growth to ensure maximum student potential. Through the Jumpstart Program, student leaders model the core values word of the week to other classrooms and also to their peers within their own classroom.
Through Whole Brain Teaching, the staff reinforces ethical decision-making by coaching students on how to make smart choices. Students demonstrate this understanding by following and practicing the rules. By utilizing our daily Jumpstart Program messages, students reflect on weekly topics revolving around a Character Education trait (i.e. kindness, tolerance, fairness, consideration…) allowing students to internalize and apply the problem solving skills within real-life situations. Through the daily use of Responsive Classroom activities, morning meetings, greetings, sharing's, and group activities we promote the core values and create an environment conducive to developing strong character traits and a sense of community. Students participate in student-led discussions and opportunities to role-play real-life situations.
The day begins with our Jumpstart Program with the “Word of the Week” announced by the principal and counselor over the morning announcements. Students then participate in morning greetings, sharing's and group activities that address that week’s character trait word.